Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Now that this trip seems to be a go, I have to figure out the parameters for making G & K Brazilian... Talking to a live person at the Consulate might prove impossible, so I might just have to chance it and show up with cash, pictures, birth certificates and passports and hope for the best. The trip to Chicago could happen next week.

Not much else goin' on...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A week later...

And not much progress on any of it. I guess a lot has been happening in my mind. I'm thinking of several articles I can try to write and get published, geared toward teens and children for different magazines. Gotta plan some more on that. If I can get some articles published, it will make getting a book published easier, supposedly. So I have many ideas. We'll see if I can make them happen.

I have had my eyes opened to two things. I have a tendency to be lazy and a tendency to be selfish. So both of those are working against me right now since I need to get my butt in gear to make things happen. My selfishness isn't helping cuz I'm not getting much sleep (toddler sleep, nightweaning issues) and am a bear when I don't get enough rest.

Anyway. Gotta call my aunt, although not the way I did last time! The 5 minute call cost $19.55!!!!!! YIKES! crazy phone bill.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Haven't done much lately on here. THere is so much to do in real life, let alone update this blog!

For the trip, I have done a few things lately.

I started and mostly completed a 'book' more like a portfolio of what our trip is going to be like. This is for G who has a very difficult time with change. It was fun to do and I just need to make a final page, I think, to tie it together. It has already helped with good discussions between us and other family members too!

I have a large plastic tote already filled with things I cannot forget to take! I went to Kroger the other day and just looked for small toys, travel things, first aid components, etc. that were on sale. Then I did the same at Kmart. I have a lot started for our entertainment kits and also first aid. This way I can slowly accumulate things when they are on sale and it won't cost so much in one lump sum!

I have yet to purchase our in-country tickets. My aunt hasn't gotten back to me yet about whether she can get a better deal than I can. She has friends who are travel agents and might get good discounts. I"m getting nervous that I need to get this squared away quickly...

I just printed up all the stuff for getting travel documents for the girls. I found out that I can register them as Brazilian and then get them Brazilian passports. Which might make sense instead of having to buy them visas to get into Brazil. So I have to figure that out. Then, Brazil also requires travel documents signed by both parents when children are travelling with only one parent, so we have to figure that out. Might require a trip to Chicago by the whole family. We might Megabus it and make a 2 day trip out of it!

I'm drilling the girls on Portuguese phrases. They are such mimics. Their accents are near-perfect. Especially Katya's!

Our camera has died, or the batteries, not sure. So I need to find out what we can do about that!
We were thinking we'd need to buy another camera anyway since Will wants one in Spain as well. But having to buy 2 cameras sounds excessive. Will's dad offered his camera, so we can borrow that one. I just want to fix the one we have so that if something happens to it, I won't feel terrible. It's worth about $25 now since is only 3.1 megapixels and close to 4 years old. Crazy, since we spent almost $300 on the thing when we bought it!

So there you are. It felt good to get that all down in writing and out of my brain storage!
